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Saturday, January 16, 2010

YouTube Channel

Musze Wam zakomunikowac,ze moj stardollowy kanal YT jest juz w budowie.Jak tylko zakoncze wszelkie ustawianie kolorow,stopek itp. i wgram film,podam link na blogu.Znajdziecie tam m.in. 'inspiracje' do kolejnego Desing Contest lub do projektowania ubran (wiem,ze niektorym jej brakuje).Postaram sie dzialac jak najszybciej.
The news I wanna tell you today is that my new YT Channel is half ended.All I need to do for now is change some colors,set dashboar and upload a video[s]. You'll find there e.g. 'the inspiration for the next Design Contest and designing clothes'.For some of you it's really needed.When the channel will be able to show ,I'll add a link to this blogspot.
Hope to do it quickly.

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